During the development of my game, I've been using Tasharen Networking for multiplayer (by the developer of NGUI). But now I'm looking at moving my game over to a much more well-known (and much more expensive) framework, uLink.
Why would I move from a $60 framework to a nearly $800 framework?
Simply put, my project has outgrown TNet.
Actually, it had outgrown TNet the moment I added multiplayer, but I hadn't realized it until I started working on interest management. Area of Interest is something that, it turns out, TNet is fundamentally not designed to handle. Nor are authoritative servers.
TNet is meant to act a bit like a self-hosted Photon Cloud - your clients connect to a server, players create and join "channels" (which are basically rooms), within each channel there is one single host, etc. There's really a lot of similarities to be drawn there. It's designed for the server to act as little more than a middleman for players to connect to each other.
That was a mistake on my part - trying to force TNet to act in a way it was not intended. To be fair it helped me develop my multiplayer logic (which will remain largely intact in the move to uLink) but the creator (Michael Lyashenko) actively discourages using TNet as a dedicated server.
The limitations became glaringly obvious when I tried to add AoI. This required ripping out TNet code and hacking in the concept of player scope. Days later I'm still hacking away with no end in sight (after coming close several times, I'm currently left with a game that doesn't even remotely work). It's taking valuable time away from working on the rest of the game.
So it's time for uLink. Unlike TNet, uLink was designed for this kind of stuff. In fact, MuchDifferent (the company behind uLink) set a Guinness World Record for most concurrent players in an FPS game - a nearly 1,000 player match between team Man and team Machine. uLink is designed for authoritative servers, and optimized for performance. Granted the 1,000 player match also used other technologies besides uLink (likely load-balancing tech like Pikko), but nonetheless uLink still remains my best option.
And that is why I dumped $800 on an indie UnityPark Suite license.
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